Although this is a very personal journey for me in my own spiritual growth, I have also elected to make it public in that I want YOU to experience hunger through me. I want YOU to gain some of the insights revealed to me over the months. But mostly, through this public project, I want YOU to help me do something about hunger.

The food provided in the video was packaged in Wichita. A half a million meals! Wow! My goal for Salina is 100,000 meals. The cost of the food for this project would be $23,000 and we would need help in packaging. Hopefully YOUR help.
Please consider being a part of this project. It doesn't have to be a large financial commitment. Even $1 per month for the year (total of $12) would add up if enough people were willing to give to the cause. ALL proceeds will go directly to Numana, Inc. for food. There are no additional expenses associated with this project. (The $.23 per meal would cover Numana's food costs, administration, shipping, etc.)
You need to know that Numana, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) your donation will be tax deductible!
In fact, your contribution doesn't have to be monetary at all! Your prayers would be a welcome and much needed gift! And, of course, I would love for you to join me and my friends (bring your whole family!) as we package food next August.
To make a pledge, just complete this form. A certificate will be sent to you to remind you of your contribution. Monetary donations will not be "due" until the end of the project--August 1, 2013. However, your contribution of prayer starts today.
If you are able come help us package in August, please bring a covered dish. Let's celebrate our accomplishment by sharing a meal together in our fellowship with one another.
More details of the event will continue to come as we get closer to the project's end.
By the was a good day. After at least of week of my hunger really feeling like a heavy burden, it was nice to have a day of respite. Neither my head nor my stomach seemed to clamor for food today. These days seem to be few and far between so I am grateful.
Thanks for reading!
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