Twice in Exodus (24:18 and 34:28) Moses spent 40 days with God on Mount Sinai.
Moses and Aaron sent spies to check out the promised land in Numbers 13. Their exploration lasted 40 days.
When Israel battled the Philistines, a giant named Goliath challenged them for 40 days offering to settle the fight if only one man could kill him (1 Samuel 17:16). Of course, young David met that challenge.
Elijah had reached his limit and asked God to take his life...then took a nap. God responded by waking him and telling him to eat. He was provided with food that gave him supernatural strength to fast for 40 days. After this, the Lord revealed himself to Elijah in a "still small voice". (1 King 19)
Ezekial had to bear the sins of Judah for 40 days as he prophesied against Jerusalem while lying, tied in ropes, on his right side. (Ezekial 4:6-8)
Jonah proclaimed to Nineveh that they had 40 days to repent or suffer God's wrath. They repented. Wise choice. (Jonah 3)

After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to the apostles for 40 days--proving that he was alive and talking about the Kingdom of Heaven. (Acts 1:3)
I've been looking forward to this 40 day mark for a while. For me it is significant that God has given me strength to make it to this point. Even with a hurdle thrown in my path today, I find myself uplifted by simply writing this journal entry...and reminding myself that:
If God is for us, who can be against us? --Romans 8:31
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