This afternoon I took my girls both to Claire's because they decided to get their ears pierced a second time. We were thrilled that while we were there, McFly's UK hit "I Got You" started playing over their speaker system. This is the first time we've heard them in the US other than on a song they wrote and recorded with Taio Cruz. Pretty exciting!
McFly is a pretty big deal in our house since one of my daughters began listening to them 5 years ago. This is a older song. I feel like I've got to watch those boys grow up!
This evening we had friends and family over for dinner. I filled my folks in on the project...and they handled it better than I expected. They responded as if they were thinking, "Now what is she up to?" I guess I'm kind of a boundary pusher.

Today I also enjoyed working on an improved website to provide my readers with more information. In the next few days you will see website change. However, right now you can access the new website at:
It was a bit out of comfort zone to put all of the information on there that I wanted to provide for you...because I included my weight changes. (The information from my blood lab work will be coming soon.)

These food issues have made this journey all the more challenging because I am not only dealing with the physical aspect of hunger but the emotional aspect as well. I think that has probably been evident through my posts.
Yes, I'm ashamed of the data that I had to post for the world to see. Believe me when I say that those numbers have went up and down many times throughout the years. It was an eye-opener to reflect on those numbers today and come to terms with my own obesity. Why can't I see this when I look in the mirror? It's a strange thing.
I have many things to learn throughout this year.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
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