I walked around the mall with my daughter this evening looking for homecoming shoes with my stomach growling.
At dinner tonight my family was asking me what I want to eat for my first meal at the end of this project. I don't even know. How can I narrow it down to one food or even one meal? Honestly, hot fresh bread and butter sounds good.

This afternoon one of the older men of my congregation told me that a group of men meet every afternoon at McDonalds...and that they were "inspired" by the words that God gave me to share. Wow.
With my personal struggle of being a woman in ministry and wrestling with the Bible's words on this matter, the support and encouragement of older Christian men is huge.
Another older man from my congregation called tonight to offer similar words of encouragement. He made it clear that his feelings were not just his...but that his friends had expressed the same. And then he asked me to teach his Sunday School class one day next month. (How could I say no?)
After each of these encounters today, I cried. I just can't express how it feels to know that God is using me to reach others. These people weren't moved by MY words, they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
This encouragement might have come through man but it is proof to me that God has blessed my ministry and will use me to further His Kingdom.
I am grateful.
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