Some students from a town very near the small town in which we used to live produced a video and song in response to the changes that took place this year in school lunches because of the "Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act" of 2010.
I have listened to my own kids talk about the small portion sizes and the complaints that they hear often from their classmates. (And, by the way, the cost that I pay for my kids meals certainly didn't go down!) What have the kids learned from this? Candy bars can be easily stored in a locker for later consumption. The plan is backfiring folks.
Just a few days ago, New York City's Board of Health approved Mayor Bloomberg's ban on soda that is served in a cup larger than 16 oz.

Oh, the health issues of the rich and spoiled. (Yes, that's us.)

Can we really legislate healthier lifestyles? Do we want to be told what we can and cannot eat? What will come next...required amounts of exercise?
One of the things I appreciate about the democratic and capitalistic forms of our government and economy is the people's ability to live out their God-given right to free will. We have the freedom to exercise this! In many countries, they do not.
We get to choose where and how we work.
We get to choose if we will help others financially.
We get to choose what we will put in our mouths.
We get to choose our religion, our leaders, our lifestyle, our words.
We are so fortunate that we get to make those choices for ourselves! Sometimes we make great choices and other times we choose very poorly. Free will! We suffer the consequences of our own actions.
Do we really want to start taking away our ability to make these decision for ourselves? Do we want to take away the free will that was a gift from God? Apparently those who passed the restrictions for our school lunches and those who think they should decide how much others should drink think this is a good idea.
Oh...but the bottom line is that we are truly worried about the COST of obesity. Hmmm...maybe different rates based on BMI for health insurance makes more sense. This is a reasonable natural consequence that doesn't restrict one's freedom.
What must those who live in countries full of starving people think about such a problem?
Remember, our bodies are God's temple. We have a responsibility to take care of them.
Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple. --1 Corinthians 3:16-17
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