When I was brushing my teeth, I noticed my tongue was coated. Gross. I was tired. I was hungry. A trip to the grocery store for ingredients for a breakfast casserole for my class the next morning just about did me in.
What's up with the coated tongue? Well, I looked it up. Apparently my body is ridding itself of toxins. (Hmmm....this might take a while.) It will clear up on it's own one day soon (when the toxins are all gone) and be a beautiful, healthy, new shade of pink. At that point, according to the doctor's post that I was reading, my hunger will return.
It will return? It never really left!!
And it is okay to quit. And one day in the next 355 days I may just do that.
But I realize now that I was focusing on the wrong things. My focus was on me--my pain, my hunger, my wants, my satisfaction.
That was never the intent of this project. It's time to redirect.
My focus is two-fold really. Hunger is the public focus. How can I bring attention to it and help do something about it? (For my friends and family who see me regularly, this is a very tangible way to develop an understanding of hunger.)
But the second, and more private, focus is on my relationship with God. This private aspect of the project is the reason you don't see my name associated with it. It's personal. This experience and struggle is opening up space within me that was previously consumed with my own abuse of food. It's opening up space for God to work.
Father, teach me through this experience. Give me strength and courage. I pray that you will sustain me through this time and nourish me in many, many ways. I pray Your blessing on all companies such as Numana who are fighting the battle with world hunger through providing food and spreading awareness. Finally, Lord, be with all of those throughout the wold, including those right here in the U.S., who don't have enough food, who don't have food choices, and who don't have clean water to drink. I pray that each of them will find You so that one day they will enjoy feasts in Your Kingdom. Amen.
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