My husband marinated and grilled boneless pork chops. I know that the members of my family all feel so bad to eat in front of me but I enjoy the smells and certainly don't want to miss dinner time with my family.
On a brighter note, we watched "The Lorax" with the kids this afternoon. Several times I found myself laughing out loud. What a cute show!
If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend it. As a bonus, it includes much truth including this little gem, "It's not about what it is, it's about what it can become."
This one made me chuckle: "When a guy does something stupid once it's because he's a guy. But if he does the same stupid thing twice, that's usually to impress a girl."
But my favorite quote centered around the Lorax's ominous use of the word, "Unless".
"Unless someone like you cares an awful lot,
nothing is going to get better. It's not."
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