First, on my way to class this morning I noticed that I had a small bump (the size a pen tip) on my thumb. It was kind of itchy and painful. It reminded me of a festered sticker or something. About halfway through the morning session, I realized that it had turned into a big blister. What in the world? I have no idea what that's about, but wonder if I was bitten by something again.
After class I ran to the store for bandages and then fell asleep as soon as I got in. I was exhausted and achy. I slept for three hours. After a full day of rest yesterday, I was surprised by my fatigue. I am happy to report, however, that I feel much better tonight.
I let my water intake slip a bit yesterday and this morning so I'm going to chalk it up to that.
On a more exciting note, I started conversations with Numana on planning a packaging event next August 1! Mark your calendars, people.
When an event is hosted, the food that will be packaged must be purchased. I expect that we will be able to put together 100,000 meals that day. Yes, that's right...100,000! In order to make this happen we will need $23,000 to buy the food itself.

This is just the beginning. We have a long way to go to reach this goal.
If you haven't completed the form (also always available in the right column) to support this project (either through prayer, sharing the project with others, or by pledging a donation for the year, and/or each month, week, or day that I successfully abstain from food other than my one daily serving of Numana this year), please take the time to do it. It doesn't matter how small the pledge may be, every little bit helps.
An easy way to support the project is simply by "liking" it on Facebook or following it on Twitter. Both of these methods of support help spread the word.
Also, plan to join us on August 1in Salina if you can.
And, uhm...plan to bring a covered dish. I'm going to be ready for your home-cookin'!
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