Last night as I was walking to the vehicle after the football game, I realized that my toes were totally numb. I couldn't feel them at all. But the lowest the temperature got was only in the lower 50's!
When I got home I took of my shoes and socks to find that those little digits were white along with the first half inch of my foot. I got into a hot shower (which was torture to my hands and toes!) which eventually turned into a hot bath.
This was not a side-effect that I was anticipating.

We live in a world that bombards us with postmodern ideology. Postmodernism asserts that everything is relative and that there is no absolute truth. In fact, you get to determine "your truth".
And that's not true.
Sadly, Oprah and Deepak Chopra are popular poster children for luring huge numbers of people to this belief. And it is a belief system.
You should know that both Deepak and Oprah deny that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, or the Life.
It is a dangerous ministry in which Oprah and Deepak are engaged. (The links above will take you to some interesting video of both.) Don't buy it!
There is truth.
Ravi Zacharias, one of my favorite Christian apologists, offers three tests to determine whether or not something is true:
These three tests provide a high degree of confidence that as they are applied to a system of belief, truth or falsehood can be established. The truth claims of Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam or atheism must all meet these tests. Is there a logical consistency in what is stated? Is there empirical adequacy where its truth claims can be tested? Is there experiential relevance – does it apply meaningfully to my life?
--Ravi Zacharias, Can Man Live Without God?
Seek the truth. Never be afraid to seek answers when you have doubts. If the Bible is true, we should never have ANY fear in seeking the truth.
Because when you find will find Jesus.
Because when you find will find Jesus.
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