She never expected that she would be one of the 15% who don't fully recover from this condition. However, her recovery was very minimal...leaving her with an eye that waters, facial muscles that won't cooperate, and a one-sided smile.
So she began researching and found many things that she should've and could've done that would've improved her chances for a complete recovery. Although it was too late, she tried what she could to no avail.
What will surprise you is that she is just fine with it.
You see, when that baby girl was still very small she also contracted Bell's Palsy. But this momma knew exactly what was going on. The doctor's could hardly believe it. This is just so rare!
My friend stepped in immediately with a plan. She knew what medication she wanted to put her on and she knew what treatments she wanted her baby girl to endure. And she wasn't afraid to voice her knowledge...especially since her own doctors years before had dropped the ball.
This sweet young 11-year old has absolutely no lasting effects.

She is a beautiful and grateful woman.
"I'm fine with this!" she told me, pointing to her face and smiling. "But I wouldn't have been fine if my daughter had to suffer with this."
"Not everyone can look back and see how God redeemed a situation. Sometimes we just don't understand. But through this I have been able to see God's hands working in my life."
"I'm fine with this."
Wonderful story about a wonderful lady!