While sitting in the opening session yesterday I missed a call. Later I listened to the voice message in which I was told that my anemia is worse. I know the doctor thinks I must be a complete moron for doing this to myself.

But it did include 1 1/2 servings of fruits and vegetables. I think my body is ready for some green, leafy stuff!
So, when we went to the luncheon my brain (stomach?) was screaming, "You really need to eat something! Just eat!" And they were serving salad, green beans, mashed red potatoes, gravy, rolls, and chicken fried steak...with chocolate chip cookie bars and lemon bars for dessert.
Walking away from that meal was very, very hard.
Seeing how much food was left over and wondering where it all went was also hard.
- Easy fatigue and loss of energy
- Dizziness
- Pale skin
- Leg cramps
- Coldness in hands and feet
- Light-headedness when standing up
- Difficulty concentrating or thinking
- Feeling grumpy
My family is particularly wary of that last one.
Going through this while taking a particularly difficult semester of seminary has been a challenge. I know that my thinking is slow and cloudy. This has not helped the grumpy factor. It is about to drive me crazy that I fumble for the right words and lose my train of thought.
But this is reality. People who are starving don't get to run to the store and buy some iron pills.

My symptoms are relatively minor and simply bothersome. My anemia isn't severe and life-threatening. Please do not worry.
This post has kept me busy while my family sat together and enjoyed a big breakfast made by my husband---o'brien hash browns, sausage, pancakes, and white queso scrambled eggs.
Three weeks and counting...
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