Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Wild Ride

First, I apologize for my absence.

Honestly, I needed a break. What a wimp. This project was emotionally much harder on me than I realized. And physically the recovery has been more complicated than I expected.

I was still anemic when I went to give blood prior to Christmas. However, last week my iron levels were finally high enough that I could give away a few cups. Yay!

However, over the last 4-6 weeks I have had dramatic hair loss. It's not falling's breaking off. With my protein levels so low, my hair just didn't grow as strong as usual during the months of the daily serving. This took me completely by surprise when I started pulling out handfuls while washing and then blow-drying my hair. I guess it shouldn't have, after all many suffering from malnutrition are completely bald.

I'm not complaining. It's just hair. Mine will grow back. The experience was worth it. I have never doubted that. But I know I made the right decision in stopping after 3 months.

Although I haven't been blogging, I have not been able to withdrawal myself from the project. The wheels have continued to turn and it is obvious that God will use the project for His glory.

Over the past couple of months a team in Salina has come together to begin to plan this event. And it will be much bigger than I had imagined. In fact, the goal is to fill a whole shipping container...261,360 meals.  At $.25 per meal this means that we are in the process of raising $65,340 plus money for T-shirts for our volunteers.  Oh yeah...we need about 1,000 volunteers!  It will take place on Tuesday, April 9 from 12:00 to 8:00 at Kansas Wesleyan University.

People are excited. Families will participate all ages. Church families are embracing the needs of those on the other side of the world and coming together to make a difference.

Although we realize that this is a “stop gap” measure while other global organizations work to solve the issues that lead to poverty,hunger, and starvation, it is critical that we continue to provide food in the meantime. Lives depend on it.

I can't express how excited I am about this event. Nor can I express how thankful I am to those of you who have followed this project and sent money to support it.

Although I will continue to update you through the One Daily Serving project, you can also follow this event on facebook at If you would like to volunteer to help with the project or make a donation, visit the event site.  (Remember, it's tax deductible!)

What a ride! Thanks for coming along with me.