Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Pray Expectantly

A friend of mine had a very serious stroke yesterday.  It was so serious, in fact, that she had to be air-lifted to Wichita.

Life can change on a dime.

It made me realize how fragile our bodies are and question whether or not I should be continuing to put mine through the stress of hunger.  

In fact, after several rough days in a row I really felt like it was time to stop.  Before bed last night my husband said, "I think it is time for you to get something to eat."  

I went to bed without posting...thinking that I just could not do this anymore.  And telling myself that my little project really doesn't even matter.  I prayed for my friend and I prayed that God would give me guidance.

Then this morning my husband's radio alarm woke me up with:

"Born down in a dead man's town.
The first kick I took was when I hit the ground.
End up like a dog that's been beat too much,
'til you spend half your life just coverin' up."

Yep...Bruce.  (If this means nothing to you, look back at August 1 and 2.)

This verse of the song fits the lives of those babies born in countries where hunger is just a part of life.  I know that the song was about a dying city in the US, but it has a whole new meaning to me.  His "dead man's town" can't compare to Nairobi, Kenya...and many, many others.  Read that verse once more with those people in your heads.

And on a personal level, this is a communication from God.  Yes, I know it is weird that God uses "The Boss" to send me messages.  But I will continue.

And I pray that this project is fruitful...even if I never see the fruit with my own eyes.

I will also let you know how my friend is doing later this evening.  In the meantime, please pray for a miraculous recovery for her.  Pray with the expectation that there will be healing.  Pray for strength, courage, and comfort for her but also for her family and friends.

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