Friday, September 21, 2012

A Mist

I wasn't too hungry today.  But I was tired.

This evening as I walked up the football stands to watch the homecoming game (we won handily), I wasn't sure if I would make it!  That just seemed bizarre to me considering that I can go 45 minutes on a Arc Trainer or Elliptical machine.

At the game my youngest daughter took a picture of me holding a friend's baby.  Wow.  I could really see that I have lost a lot of weight.  Actually I had to get some smaller jeans today because my others won't stay up.

Don't fret...I'm still chubby.  I don't foresee that I will be wasting away anytime soon.

It's going to be an exciting weekend with a parade in the morning, my daughter's senior homecoming dance tomorrow night as well as a golf date with my husband, and then his birthday the next day.  I thoroughly enjoyed picking out his birthday gifts today and look forward to making a him a German Chocolate cake tomorrow.

Hopefully all of the excitement will keep my hunger at bay.

How can it already be closing in on the end of September?  How can my little girl be old enough to go to her last high school homecoming?  How can my husband already be turning 42?

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